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Midget Wrestling WARRIORS

The Midget Wrestling Warriors shows are high-energy with intense drama and matches. Our wrestlers are true athletes, and their dedication to their craft is evident in every match. From the moment the bell rings to start a match, the audience is treated to a non-stop spectacle of action, drama, and suspense. This level of intensity keeps the crowd engaged and creates a buzz of excitement that cannot be replicated with other forms of entertainment.

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venue information


Dress Code: There is no dress code for this event.

Parking: Parking is free at the casino and the event venue. Shuttle transportation is provided.

Ticket Purchase and Pickup: Tickets are available at Present your digital or paper ticket on the day of the event.

Outside Drinks/Food: No outside food or beverages allowed. Food and drinks are available inside the venue.

Venue Restrictions: No cameras with detachable lenses. No weapons allowed.